Laura’s Song of the Day: “Right Down the Line” by Gerry Rafferty

Today’s entry will be a short one. “City to City” was surprisingly one of Laura’s favorite albums and, coincidentally, one of mine as well. Most people, if they know of the album, know it for it’s monster hit “Baker Street.” However, the song that comes after “Baker Street” on side one is just as powerful… Continue reading Laura’s Song of the Day: “Right Down the Line” by Gerry Rafferty

Laura’s Song of the Day: “Echo Beach” by Martha and the Muffins

I was going through some old pictures that Laura had squirreled away in an old valise. There are tons more in boxes in the garage, but I don’t have it in me to start looking for those yet. Although we lived in Virginia Beach, I can count the number of times that we went to… Continue reading Laura’s Song of the Day: “Echo Beach” by Martha and the Muffins

Laura’s Song of the Day: “Let’s Lynch the Landlord” by the Dead Kennedys

I have talked about in the past how that about 80 percent of Laura’s musical tastes meshed with about 80 percent of my musical tastes, which one of the things that made us a great couple. She never really got into Motown (as some of you know, I was born in Henry Ford Hospital, which… Continue reading Laura’s Song of the Day: “Let’s Lynch the Landlord” by the Dead Kennedys